Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Concept of Style

Style is such a broad subject. For instance who and what constitutes style?
These are just some ideas I wish to explore through this blog.
I would also like to differentiate between fashion and style, as it is my contention that style can exist without fashion and "fashion", is the vehicle for which style can be conveyed.
It stands to reason that an individual may be "in fashion"(fashionably dressed), yet may be lacking in personal style and vice versa!??

1 comment:

  1. Interesting topic -> I tend to think that style is when you feel good in what you are wearing...which translates to "looking good" because it comes from the inside - confidence, etc...what you are wearing may not necessarily be "in fashion". Is style timeless and fashion time-bound? I think we all have our own personal style (like our personality) and the trick is to find it and stick with it (sounding like an old man here!).
